Springvale Elementary

Homework Policy

The new policy was created to

•       set clear expectations

•       create consistency among schools across the province



•       Age and developmentally appropriate homework will be assigned in all classes and all grade levels

•       Every student will not necessarily receive the same homework because not every child can do the same

•       Teachers will use their professional judgment to determine when to assign homework, what to assign, and how much

Homework will …

•       be connected to what students are learning in class

•       be within a student’s ability to complete on their own

•       be mindful of students’ access to help and other resources at home

•       be coordinated by teachers through a school-wide approach

Homework will not …

•       require parents or guardians to teach students new skills or ideas

•       be used to punish or discipline a student

•       be assigned on days of cultural or religious significance for students and their families


The Purpose of Homework


•       Gather materials for class

•       Rehearse for a presentation

•       Read an article for a class discussion


•       Read for pleasure

•       Practice basic literacy and math skills

•       Practice an instrument

•       Apply new knowledge to complete a project


•       Research local news about a topic being discussed in class

•       Investigate a science experiment

•       Write personal reflections in a journal

•       Apply a variety of skills to a larger project


What could this look like for younger students?

•       Practicing basic skills: telling time, counting change, word games

•       Reading for pleasure

•       Gathering resources for projects

•       Talking to family members to gather information for classroom activities

•       Practicing physical skills


What could this look like for older students?

•       Reading to prepare for upcoming activities or classroom discussions

•       Practicing a presentation

•       Practicing learned skills (i.e., balancing chemical equations, music or band pieces)

•       Applying a variety of skills to a longer-term project

•       Writing reflections on learning in a journal or blog

•       Researching a topic being studied in class

•       Preparing for a test or exam


Feedback and Evaluation

•       Homework is another way for teachers to see if students have understood a new idea or skill

•       Teachers will check homework and provide feedback to students. For example,

•       acknowledge that a student successfully completed the homework

•       let students know what they did well and how they could improve

•       Day-to-day homework will not count toward students’ grades. Longer-term projects and assignments will be reviewed to provide feedback to students and may count toward their grades.

What can you do as a family?

•       Provide encouragement

•       Help your child develop study skills at home (e.g. getting organized, breaking tasks into smaller parts)

•       Set up a space for homework

•       Help your child balance time spent on homework, extracurricular, and out-of-school activities (e.g. help them to set up a homework schedule)

•       Speak to your child’s teacher if they are struggling with their homework

Homework is a very important part of learning. Children in the lower elementary grades can expect to have a small amount  of homework each night. Students in upper elementary should expect between 30 minutes and one hour of homework on some nights.

You can help your child by providing a good space where they can complete homework. This should be a place with adequate lighting - free from distraction and with enough room for all the needed supplies. It is important to discuss homework with your child, and let them show you the work they have done.

On nights when there is "no" homework, children should still keep the routine of doing work. They would benefit from reading each night. Have your child read or share a favorite book with you. It is also important to review concepts covered in class. Help your child by having him or her explain a concept to you. Your child's teacher is always available to discuss this important topic with you.